Monday, April 21, 2008

Screw you, Future!

Why am I so future-oriented? It's affecting my present life! And this is totally a bummer because when I focus on the future, I forget about what's going on RIGHT NOW! Maybe all these things are making me feel like I have a big load on my shoulders, but I'm probably just exaggerating on all this crap.

Oh yeah, and why the freak is History of Design not on the Fall 08 Schedule!! I swear it was on there before! I need that bloody class! Plus, on top of that... if I even win that 2nd speech competition on May 3rd or if I don't, I'll be going to summer school. So, either way... I'm not going to be able to FULLY help my mom at the fair. Yes, I do really really dislike working at the fair. I really do, but I can't bare the thought of not being able to work for my college money and making my parents do it for me just because I'm feeling selfish by thinking of the damn future!

You suck, Future. Why do you always overwhelm me with shit I shouldn't be worrying about right now? Future, you better be worth it! Or hell with it! ...things will work out, won't they? Someone, please tell me it will be alright...

1 comment:

Rinny said...

things will always work out for the better dear =) And even if it isn't what you expected, it will still be for the better. Have faith in yourself, the choices you inevitably have to make and have faith in others too =)

We are here, Jia you! x~